SMC Global is committed to protecting the environment and incorporating sustainability into our core operations. We strive to minimize our environmental impact with our activities wherever possible. We are committed to:

      • Incorporate risk reduction and instill safety in all of our activities through the implementation of training and business practices.
      • Encourage sound environmental and safety practices and policies among suppliers and subcontractors.
      • Make employees, authorities, neighbors and customers informed of our activities.
      • Establish a Health & Safety Program to manage workplace safety and health to reduce injuries and illnesses.
      • Train employees to assume responsibility for HSE in line with their function, level of authority and qualification.
      • Open dialog promotes HSE awareness and motivation.
      • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
      • Prevent pollution and environmental contamination.
      • Include consideration of environmental impacts in all business operations.
      • Use refurbished and recycled products whenever possible and offer up used materials for refurbishment/recycling.
      • Minimize waste generation and handle all waste that is generated in an environmentally conscious manner.
      • Continually improve and undertake actions to minimize environmental impact and improve safety through business initiatives.
      • Strive to reduce, reuse, and recycle the resources used by our business.


SMC Global has earned Responsible Distribution Verification from the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD), the benchmark for chemical distributor companies committed to product stewardship and responsible distribution in every phase of chemical storage, handling, transportation, and disposal. With this achievement, SMC Global now joins an elite group that requires members to continuously improve performance in protecting health, safety, security, and the environment.


SMC Global has been a certified and validated Tier-2 member of the US Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) since 2007 that was formed to strengthen and protect foreign trade and U.S. border security.

With the CTPAT certification, issued by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) immediate supply chain benefits take place:

  • Safer and more secure import operations
  • Faster availability of product to market and reduced examination at borders
  • Business resumption priority following a natural disaster or terrorist attack
CTPAT logo