We offer an extensive selection of specialty chemicals tailored to meet your specific needs. We understand the importance of providing our customers with a dependable and consistent supply of these products, all at competitive prices. Our aim is to assist our customers in avoiding product shortages and unexpected price hikes, which can pose significant challenges for numerous manufacturing companies.


SMC Product Name/NumberCAS#ChemicalApplications
SMC Global 4551 103-11-7 2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate
SMC Global 930 123-54-6 2,4- Pentanedione
SMC Global 2302 84-65-1 Anthraquinone,
SMC Global 240010025-91-9 Antimony Trichloride
SMC Global 336098-88-4 Benzoyl Chloride, ,
SMC Global 3330100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol, ,
SMC Global 3333100-44-7 Benzyl Chloride
AvanShield 3444-C
34690-00-1 Bis(hexamethylene triamine penta (methylene phosphonic acid) (BHMTPMPA)
SMC Global 4100 13780-06-8 Calcium Nitrite 92%,
SMC Global 4552 64-10-7 Glacial Acrylic Acid
SMC Global 510513-35-9Isoamylene
SMC Global 2000 75-75-2 Methane Sulfonic Acid,
SMC Global 4420 71-23-8 n-Propanol (Propyl Alcohol)
SMC Global 3104 109-60-4 n-Propyl Acetate
SMC Global 6000 643-79-8 o-Phthalaldehyde,
SMC Global 905 106-43-4 Parachlorotoluene (PCT)
SMC Global 670011138-66-2 Xanthan Gum